If one were to do research on why most relationships ultimately fail, you would probably find sport as one of the reasons why most of them fail. For real! They will never tell you this though. Same goes for weddings. I think the reason marriages fail is because people get this urge to address a crowd of friends, family people. etc. The guy getting married has never really addressed 300 plus people, and the wedding is his entrée into public speaking. For some it’s also the last. If you want to do it again; the only way to do it is to get a divorce and remarry!
Ladies need to understand that sport is to men what shopping is to women. Men are lucky because shopping is pretty costly and not an every weekend and Wednesday thing. In a good season, my beloved Arsenal can play up to fifty games and I watch all the ones they broadcast. No lady can drag a guy to 50 shopping sprees. Except the British WAGS and people like Khanyi Mbau.
You need to be part of this sport obsession we have, and not fight it! Here is a scenario: your man’s team is playing at 16h00 on Saturday afternoon. Your first option is to moan about this and insist on equality in the living room, want to watch the series channel or worse still, bury the remote control. Secondly, you can use this time to get closer to your man.
How to you get closer to your man while he is watching sport? Food! This is what I would call ‘real quality time’. My lady slips out an hour before the game and returns with some fruit, crackers and cheese, and something to drink. That would not only stop me from biting my nails but would also give me a chance to teach my lady a thing or two about sport. Even place bets, etc. on who is going to score and all that stuff.
The food has to be something that is easy to prepare and eat. Sushi, chicken wings, a fruit salad, etc. would work well. Dried fruit would also work well. Is also vital to make sure the guy is well hydrated, sport is pretty tense affair and emotions can get a bit heated.
Trust me ladies… This is the real way to a man’s heart. Embrace the sports lover in him and take care of his needs during the two hour affair with the other love of his life. Console or congratulate him in the way you know best at the end of the game.
Set a condition though: This quality time is for you and him only, it will not happen when his mates come over to watch sport.
Ladies need to understand that sport is to men what shopping is to women. Men are lucky because shopping is pretty costly and not an every weekend and Wednesday thing. In a good season, my beloved Arsenal can play up to fifty games and I watch all the ones they broadcast. No lady can drag a guy to 50 shopping sprees. Except the British WAGS and people like Khanyi Mbau.
You need to be part of this sport obsession we have, and not fight it! Here is a scenario: your man’s team is playing at 16h00 on Saturday afternoon. Your first option is to moan about this and insist on equality in the living room, want to watch the series channel or worse still, bury the remote control. Secondly, you can use this time to get closer to your man.
How to you get closer to your man while he is watching sport? Food! This is what I would call ‘real quality time’. My lady slips out an hour before the game and returns with some fruit, crackers and cheese, and something to drink. That would not only stop me from biting my nails but would also give me a chance to teach my lady a thing or two about sport. Even place bets, etc. on who is going to score and all that stuff.
The food has to be something that is easy to prepare and eat. Sushi, chicken wings, a fruit salad, etc. would work well. Dried fruit would also work well. Is also vital to make sure the guy is well hydrated, sport is pretty tense affair and emotions can get a bit heated.
Trust me ladies… This is the real way to a man’s heart. Embrace the sports lover in him and take care of his needs during the two hour affair with the other love of his life. Console or congratulate him in the way you know best at the end of the game.
Set a condition though: This quality time is for you and him only, it will not happen when his mates come over to watch sport.
I agree. Dragging your man to the shopping mall on a shopping spree is a NO NO!!! He ends up crowding the shop during sale time while waiting for his sandwich-making-half to come out of the fitting room. THAT is the only time I think about sport. "Is there no sports bar nearby where this man can go wait for his woman in?" So no, I dont fight sport... I embrace it.... all 7 floors of it.
He he he he.........
Take my advice, it will certainly spice things up!
Especially the post match consoloation. Make sure he doesnt support a team like Spurs or Newcastle that loses all the time.
Men need to come up with a strategy that will make shopping bearable. Mine is slipping to the nearest music or bookstore.
I have a solution : DONT GO! Why do men think that women want them there when they shop? I know I dont. Plus the price tags streches the man's eyeballs. Spicing things up for me is : separate developments. nobody imposes anything on anyone and when I want something from you : I'll start with : "how was the game? I saw in todays paper that your player's been x-ed" :) You know the more we are free the more we want to bind ourselves even when there is no need. Open minds is what makes relationships work. Like using the wedding money for shopping and doing the rest at home affairs... there's a crowd you wont need to address
Are you sure you are a real woman? Most ladies like dragging their better halves with and asking for their opinion on things.
So, you would use sport as your ice breaker when you want something from him?
The less said about weddings, the better. Maybe a blog on cheesy wedding food :)
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